Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
+91 674 2361279


Capacity Building on Organic Farming

Capacity building of farmers on organic farming constitutes an important intervention of Kartabya in the tribal and rural pockets. This process involves providing farmers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to transition from conventional farming methods to organic ones. Workshops, training programs, and demonstration farms play a pivotal role in educating farmers about organic farming techniques, soil health management, natural pest control, and the use of organic inputs. By enhancing their understanding of agroecological principles, farmers are able to make informed decisions that benefit both their crop yields and the environment. Capacity building also empowers farmers to adopt holistic approaches, fostering resilience and long-term sustainability in agriculture. Ultimately, a well-informed and skilled farming community is better equipped to embrace organic farming practices, contributing to healthier ecosystems and more resilient agricultural systems.

Community Capacity Building on Forest Rights Act (FRA)

Community Capacity Building on Forest Rights Act (FRA) involves organizing village-level orientations to empower forest-dwelling tribal communities. The process not only helps educate the tribal people about the essential aspects of FRA, including its provisions, eligibility criteria, and recognized rights, but also emphasizes the documentation requirements, stressing the importance of community collaboration. Experienced resource persons guide the tribal people through the steps of filing claims, involving activities like community meetings and map preparation. Local Gram Panchayat members actively participate in the process to enhance community understanding. These programs highlight the significance of land tenure security for marginalized communities, fostering empowerment and encouraging active engagement in the protection and sustainable management of forest resources.

Capacity Building Support to Women SHG Leaders on Income Generation Activity

Equipping the women Self-Help Group (SHG) leaders from the tribal villages with the skills and knowledge needed to create sustainable sources of income remains a critical initiative of Kartabya. Organized in close collaboration with the community based organizations, the programmes cover various aspects, including identifying viable income-generating opportunities, basic financial literacy, business planning, and marketing strategies. The programmes also include practical demonstrations, case studies, and interactive discussions to ensure effective learning. Experienced mentors help provide insights into diverse income-generating activities such as small-scale entrepreneurship, livestock rearing, handicrafts, or agribusiness. Additionally, the interventions emphasize the importance of collaboration within SHGs, fostering a supportive community for shared learning and resource pooling.

Community Orientation on Skill Development of Local Youths

Kartabya volunteers periodically organize community orientation programs in rural and tribal Odisha to provide comprehensive information on skill opportunities and training institutes. The programs cover various skill sectors, including agriculture, handicrafts, animal husbandry, and technology. Participants learn about government-sponsored skill development initiatives, eligibility criteria, and application processes. The orientations stress the importance of acquiring skills for employability, income generation, and overall economic development. Local training institutes like RSETI, Jan Sikshyan Sanstha, NIESBUD, the Agriculture Department, and Krushi Bigyan Kendra are highlighted for their courses and potential career pathways. The goal is to bridge the information gap, empower community members to make informed decisions, promote entrepreneurship, and uplift the socio-economic landscape of rural Odisha.


Community Sensitization on Public Entitlements and Services

Educating tribal villagers about their public entitlements, including subsidized food, education, health services, employment opportunities, pensions, housing assistance, and land rights constitutes a comprehensive initiative of Kartabya. The education process covers eligibility, application processes, and benefits, using interactive methods, discussions, and informational materials. Engagement with local leaders and awareness campaigns fosters open dialogue to address queries and concerns.

Community Sensitization on Public Entitlements and Services

One of the key interventions of Kartabya is to ensure that maximum number of disadvantaged persons who is rightfully eligible to get covered in any of the social security schemes get included in the beneficiary list. The Kartabya youth leaders help the eligible persons fill up and submit applications to relevant offices for inclusion in the pertinent social security schemes.


Capacity Building of Panchayati Raj Representatives

Building the capacities of the newly elected Panchayat members in the tribal and rural pockets constitutes a key intervention of Kartabya. To this end, the organization facilitates training programmes conducted by resource persons recruited by the State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD). The  training programmes encompass a comprehensive overview of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI), addressing key elements such as the historical background and chronology of PRI, the goals and objectives of Panchayati Raj, the 73rd amendment and PESA Act, as well as the powers and functions of Gram Panchayat, Samiti, and Zila Parishad. Additionally, the session cover topics like Palli Sabha and Gram Sabha, the roles and responsibilities of Sarpanch and ward members, utilization of own source funds, and the mobilization of funds from 29 departments. 


Community Monitoring of ICDS Centres and School Management

One of the key programme components of Kartabya volunteers is to create happier childhoods for the underprivileged tribal children by defending their rights and by addressing their critical needs through close collaboration with parents, teachers, Anganwadi workers, communities, Block level governments as well as the children themselves. Improving the functioning of the Anganwadi Jaanch Committees and the School Management Committees (SMCs) constitute the key strategies to ensure proper childhood care and education. The Kartabya volunteers work closely with the Anganwadi Jaanch Committees of ICDS centres and School Mangament Committees SMCs helping them enhance the quality of service delivery, hygiene, cleanliness and centre management. 

Capacity Building of School Management Committees (SMCs)

Enhancing the effectiveness of local school governance and improving the quality of primary education remains at the core of Kartabya’s programmes. To this end, Kartabya organizes Block level trainings for the SMCS members. Tailored to meet the unique needs of tribal communities, the trainings cover topics such as the provisions in the Right o Education (RTE) Act, the roles and responsibilities of SMC members, financial management for schools, community engagement strategies, and the importance of creating a conducive learning environment. The process involves interactive workshops, case studies, and practical exercises to empower SMC members with the skills needed to actively participate in decision-making, monitor school activities, and advocate for the educational needs of their community. The intervention aims to foster a collaborative approach between the school and the community, aiming to strengthen the overall educational infrastructure and contribute to the holistic development of tribal children.


Fostering Health Consciousness in Communities